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Category Archives: HMM & Lorenzo

Upper-Class Leisure and the Shaping of the American Landscape

The introduction of Western civilization onto the American frontier is generally characterized as a dangerous and strenuous enterprise, undertaken by groups of prosecuted and disadvantaged peoples, through meager and innovative means.  This depiction aligns with the narratives of settlements like the 1620 Plymouth Colony, the 1629 Maryland Colony, the Oregon Trail of the early 1800s, […]

Whaling industry in 19th century

In 19th century, whaling industry was one of the most prominent businesses in America.  Whale oil was mainly used for lighting, lubrication and softer kinds of soap and whalebone was used to make corsets and other manufactured products. The term “whale oil” can be used for different species of whale.  However, because of their chemical […]

Delaware River

  Mills were crucial elements to the development of early American communities. These early industrial facilities permitted the transfer of simple materials into usable goods. The mill was at the heart of a complex system of supply and demand. The Hanford Mill is part of many networks. Processing timber and grain, the mill provided both […]

mapping and exploring upon the singular purpose buildings which have counterparts in mills and plantations

 " Mineral processing plants, lumber mills, and factories are highly specialized production centers that can exist only if linked transportation and communication systems with suppliers of raw materials for finished products." (Meyer 249)   The Hanford Mills were ideally located along Kortight Creek, which provided the water power necessary to run a rural industrial complex.  The […]

Jointing and Framing of Wooden Structure

090712 Wooden frame Timber Framing is the method of creating structures fitted and joined timbers with joints secured by large wooden pegs. It is commonplace in large barns. The methodology comes from making things out of logs and tree trunks without modern high tech saws to cut lumber from the starting material stock. Using axes, […]

Materiality is Key

It has to be said that materiality is of importance when looking at such an old structure like the Hanford Mills Museum. As soon as you walk in the underground room, where the water wheel is kept and the gears grind, you can instantly smell the dampness of the wood and stone. These particular smells […]

The Development of Route 20 as Deduced from its Architecture

I believe that Route 20 is the result of an incredible, and understudied, interplay between agriculture and industry in early upstate New York. Route 20 connects many of the primary upstate New York communities within the Syracuse vicinity. Not surprisingly, many of these were founded circa 1800. The history of the route has become apparent […]

Hanford Mills: choreography of light

An 1859 lithograph depicted work with sewing machine [Rodney P.Carlisle, Handbook to Life in America, Volume 2; New York, Infobase publishing, 2009, 129]   Before the invention of gas light, the location of working space is usually dominated by surrounded natural environment. Like 1859 lithograph, natural light was most important element of work environment. Because […]

Hanford Mills: The Power

“Factories making uniform products increasingly used power- driven machinery in the production processes (“The Factory” 297)”.    What were the producers of power for Hanford Mills , when were they implemented, and how did they evolve over time?    Hanford Mills is an example of the combination of “ water power, entrepreneurial capitol, and artisanal […]

Hanford Mills: A Costly Campus

Photo Credit: Robert T. Kinsey and Lauren Long Photography  College is expensive. Not only is the cost of attendance and tuition pricey but the cost to maintain and operate the campus is as well.  Believe it or not, college and university campuses are actually not that much different than the social world of the mill, which […]