[The New Art Nouveau]

Michael Hansmeyer, a self-proclaimed “computational architect,” creates incredibly intricate three-dimensional forms using mathematical algorithms that resemble the level of detail found in nature. By folding and duplicating volumetric space, Hansmeyer creates forms which propose a new idea of architectural form. The use of algorithmic order results in columns and other form designs that have far too many details to ever be physically drawable forms. According to Hansmeyer, because there are no constraints with the technology available, the architect’s new role is not to design objects but to design a process to generate objects. Hansmeyer’s forms relate to organicism through their relationship to nature. Although they result from computer-based applications, the forms have so much detail that they appear chaotic yet each intricate detail is a result of order. Similarly, forms in nature also have an underlying order to them, for example– Fibonacci’s Sequence. This modern version of creating order based detailed forms can be seen as the contemporary version of Art Nouveau architecture and art executed by individuals such as Antoni Gaudi. Although Gaudi’s work more closely studied nature as a precedent, Hansmeyer’s work is equally whimsically grotesque. Whereas traditional Art Nouveau relied on attentive observations of nature, Digital Art Nouveau focuses more on the processes taking place and uses the computer, instead, to imitate nature’s order.
columns–> algorithmic order, un-drawable forms. Too much detail to be predictable–> new role for architect. Create paradigms.
[Hansmeyer, Michael. “Vimeo: Michael Hansmeyer.” Vimeo. http://www.vimeo.com/michael1 (accessed September 14, 2013).]
[These videos show Hansmeyer’s work, as well as transformative studies. This resource was useful in understanding his work.]
[“Interview with Michael Hansmeyer | The White Review.” The White Review. http://www.thewhitereview.org/interviews/interview-with-michael-hansmeyer/(accessed September 10, 2013).]
[This resource provided an interview with Michael Hansmeyer which conveyed his thoughts on digital fabrication and algorithmic design. It also provided an explanation for why he does what he does and why he chooses to design columns.]
[“Michael Hansmeyer: Building unimaginable shapes | Video on TED.com.” TED: Ideas worth spreading. http://www.ted.com/talks/michael_hansmeyer_building_unimaginable_shapes.html (accessed September 12, 2013).]
[This TED talk was about Hansmeyer’s work and his ideologies about creating original designs. It was a useful source in that it provided Michael Hansmeyer’s description of his own work as well as his thoughts on architecture and form.]
[“Michael Hansmeyer – Computational Architecture: Grotto.” Michael Hansmeyer – Computational Architecture. http://www.michael-hansmeyer.com/projects/grotto.html?screenSize=1&color=0#12 (accessed September 10, 2013).]
[“Radical Openness at TED Global | View | Architectural Review.” The Architectural Review. http://www.architectural-review.com/radical-openness-at-ted-global/8633331.article (accessed September 10, 2013).]