[Genius of Biome Report]

[This is a report created by Biomimicry 3.8 and HOK Architects. It is meant to be a guide for future designers who want to design sustainably or using biomimicry. It lists the different biomes, or locations within nature, and ecosystems that have survived in these biomes over time. It does this so designers can learn from these ecosystems and create their own projects using similar tactics that were used by these ecosystems. Examples of key words that one can remember when designing are these: Evolve to Survive, Be Resource Efficient, Adapt to Changing Conditions, Integrate Development with Growth, Be Locally Attuned and Responsive, and Use Life-Friendly Chemistry.]
— [Joshua Rubbelke]
[” Biomimicry 3.8.” Biomimicry 3.8. http://biomimicry.net (accessed September 16, 2013).]
[A website that has a main focus of educating the people about biomimicry. They even hold competitions for students so that they may understand designing with biomimetic principles. Here is an excerpt from the website explaining biomimicry to another person: “It’s about looking to nature for inspiration for new inventions… It’s learning to live gracefully on this planet by consciously emulating life’s genius. It’s not really technology or biology; it’s the technology of biology. It’s making a fiber like a spider, or lassoing the sun’s energy like a leaf” (biomimicry.net). ]
[“Genius of Biome Report” http://issuu.com/hoknetwork/docs/geniusofbiome (accessed September 16, 2013).]
[This is the link to the Genius of Biome Report compiled by HOK and Biomimicry 3.8. It is a resource for designers wishing to design using biomimicry. ]
[http://www.imprintculturelab.com/8-questions/8-questions-with-jamie-dwyer/ (Accessed September 15, 2013).]
[This is an interview with Jamie Dwyer, one of the principle people in Biomimicry 3.8. She explains biomimicry more clearly and how it helps the economy and architectural life.]